Rule Number One Create Your Own Unique Visual Style and Show It Off To The World
Thank you for your interest in North Louisiana Quilters' Guild
Anyone who is interested in the joy of quilt-making is welcome to join North Louisiana Quilters' Guild. The guild is composed of quilters with various skill levels from people who are just learning to quilt to professional quilters. Experienced quilters are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with beginner quilters. Join us and connect with our amazing group of quilters, form lifelong friendships and expand your skills.
Membership dues for individuals are $25 per year from July 1st to June 30th.
Benefits of Membership:
Attend monthly meetings that will educate and inspire you. Look at our Meeting information to find a Chapter that will fit you. We have four Chapters to choose from with different days and times.
Receive a yearly roster of guild members.
Receive monthly newsletter with complete information on guild activities.
Participate in special workshops throughout the year.
Sign up for early registration for workshops and retreats.
Join other members for a Pot Luck Social in December.
Experience Fun and Friendship!
Not yet a member:
1. Attend one of our monthly Chapter meetings! Guests are welcome and we would like to extend an invitation for you to come to one of our guild Chapter meetings. You will meet current members and have the opportunity to ask questions and connect with other quilters. We have four Chapters the meet once a month. You can find the meeting information on the "Meetings" tab or on the calendar. 2. Simply show up, socialize with our current members and stay for the program. You do not need be invited by a member. 3. Arrive about 15 minutes prior to the meeting so we can get you settled in and give you a Guest nametag. 4. Visit up to two times, if you wish, before becoming a member. So please join us at any of our monthly Chapter meetings and get to know our active and fun group of quilters!
How to Join:
1. Print the membership form below. 2. Complete the form and make your check payable to NLQG. 3. Bring your completed form to any of the Chapter meetings or a Quarterly Meeting.
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